A common saying in finance is that “markets take the stairs up and the elevator down”, meaning that advances are typically ...
Numbers released this week by CREA confirm what we can all see. House sales are languishing and buyers are balking, despite ...
Today the Fed cuts itas rate for the first time in four years. Big deal. It’s the CB that runs the planet. This means the Wicked Witch of Tightening is kaput. For the next year (at least) the price of ...
Affordability is terrible. The cost of properties has not dropped meaningfully, and a large swath of buyers has been removed from the game. Many of them, permanently. Sales volumes will increase as ...
According to the American Economic Association, 60% of us pick option 1), indicating that most of us prefer instant gratification. It’s human nature, it seems, to prefer happiness today versus ...
That’s the other shoe dropping. Yesterday the first hit the floor as Ottawa desperately unveiled 30-year mortgages and a ballooning of mortgage insurance to cover $1.5 million buys. No, houses are not ...
“People are taking big hits,” says realtor Dan. You betcha. Sellers. Lenders. Brokers. Desperate, failed buyers. And property agents as well – now, suddenly, part of a herd that’s being quietly culled ...
“With inflation soon to be vanquished, and real interest rates still at restrictive levels,” says the chief economist of the Penguin Bank, “there’s no logical reason for central bankers to move too ...
A decade ago, when the world was ending and people still read books, I wrote one called ‘After the Crash.’ No, it was not about housing. And the crash referred to was the egg Wall Street laid after ...
“Why,” asks Dave, in a pointed email to me, “don’t you issue your own press releases? Seriously – then the Financial Post could recycle them.” He was flamed by a late-Friday story about a triumphant ...
The note of disgust was evident in his voice late Saturday as he called with yet another report. “This is the world we now live in,” he said, “and it is full of malicious destruction. All can say it ...