Scientists discover volcanic glass beads from ancient volcanoes on the Moon, revealing activity 123 million years ago.
researchers have found evidence suggesting that Earth may have had a ring system that formed around 466 million years ago, at the beginning of a period of unusually intense meteorite bombardment ...
Their chemical makeup indicates there were active lunar volcanoes until about 120 million years ago, much more recent than scientists thought. An earlier analysis of the rock samples from the ...
This ancient ring system is thought to have formed about 466 million years ago, at the beginning of a period when Earth was regularly hit by meteorites, according to a new paper in the journal ...
Intel stock (NASDAQ: INTC) is trading at about $19 per share, its lowest point in over a decade. Could the stock rise by over ...
The Incredible Reptiles That Flew 200 Million Years Ago A 200-million-year-old fossil reveals the amazing body structure of a reptilian creature known as the dimorphodon. Not only did it possess ...
In 1972, the Apollo 17 astronauts—the last people to walk on the moon to this day—brought back rocks and soil from the lunar surface ... between 4.52 and 4.47 billion years ago, while others ...
Human-like relatives two million years ago had it "pretty easy", according to birth reconstruction in a fossil. For Australopithecus sediba, which lived 1.95 million years ago in South Africa ...
There were volcanic eruptions on the Moon as recently as 120 million years ago, according to a new analysis of a lunar sample collected by the Chang’e‑5 mission. Samples collected by the Apollo, Luna ...
9 (Xinhua) -- A collection of glass beads retrieved by China's Chang'e-5 lunar mission revealed that the moon might have been geologically active as recently as 120 million years ago. Lunar ...
The primitive insects may have fed on this nectar, before flowering plants came along around 130 million years ago. Dr Russell Garwood of the University of Manchester, who is not connected with ...