Fabricio De Andrade Rocha, Postdoctoral fellow, Group for Research and Intervention on Children's Social Adjustment, Université de Sherbrooke Gabrielle Garon-Carrier, Professor, département de ...
Housing, climate, cost of living, health — the multitude of interconnected crises the world is facing has spawned a new term: “polycrisis.” The World Economic Forum’s Global Risks 2023 report defines ...
" [I]t is a fact that individuals popular with the public — [including] former notorious criminals, sportsmen [and] entertainers — can help mobilize votes for a political party [...] especially in ...
As the market continues to evolve and consumers become more discerning about the products they buy, the success of celebrity brands requires more than just star power these days.
~ Lesotho needs constitutional reforms to help gain political stability – but the latest attempt is flawed ...
The award-winning South African playwright has written a masterful short story about a woman having to play a challenging theatre role.
“Before I knew it, two men arrived and dragged me to the podium to testify that my sight had returned. They forced me to say something that wasn’t true.” ...
With the proper help, resources and coping strategies, caregivers can navigate challenges and provide meaningful support to their relatives from afar.
Les États-Unis doivent fournir de toute urgence une aide humanitaire à au moins 8 000 Syrien·ne·s déplacés, bloqués dans le camp assiégé et isolé de Rukban, qui se trouvent sous le contrôle effectif d ...
L’avortement est la première préoccupation des Américaines de moins de 45 ans, devant l’économie. L’enjeu aura un rôle majeur dans le scrutin de novembre.
Les dirigeants mondiaux sont réunis ce dimanche au siège de l'ONU à New York pour le Sommet de l’avenir, une occasion unique de réinventer le système multilatéral et d'orienter l'humanité sur une ...
Nos recherches ont permis de découvrir comment certaines grenouilles produisent de la colle – et cela pourrait nous aider à fabriquer de nouveaux adhésifs innovants pour la chirurgie.