The Chukchi Sea is the one that bounds the United States. It is in the north of the Bering Strait, a waterway separating ...
The first Arctic sea-ice observations were documented by the Vikings, and later followed by the first polar explorers and ...
Mirai has arrived at what is known as the ice edge, where countless pieces of ice stretching across the horizon bob with the ...
The lack of waves in the Arctic Ocean poses another challenge. Where there is sea ice and therefore fewer waves, the oil does ...
Continuously hotter summers and less sea ice are remaking the Arctic. Some researchers wonder what opportunities might appear ...
The scientists found that when sea ice levels in the Central Arctic increase, the heat transferred from the ocean to the atmosphere triggers a cyclonic circulation at slightly lower latitudes ...
Antarctica’s rapidly shrinking sea ice could have a significant impact on the food supply of seabirds that breed far from the ...
Visitors from Utqiagvik, Alaska, last week brought news of increased rainfall in this country’s northernmost region.