The Chukchi Sea is the one that bounds the United States. It is in the north of the Bering Strait, a waterway separating ...
The first Arctic sea-ice observations were documented by the Vikings, and later followed by the first polar explorers and ...
Mirai has arrived at what is known as the ice edge, where countless pieces of ice stretching across the horizon bob with the ...
Continuously hotter summers and less sea ice are remaking the Arctic. Some researchers wonder what opportunities might appear ...
As global warming opens the Arctic for new oil exploration and shipping prospects, why is the region's unique climate ...
For the second winter in a row, the extent of Antarctic sea ice has been exceptionally below average—and it has just set a ...
An area of missing Antarctic sea ice twice the size of Texas adds to concerns that the ice has seen a lasting “regime shift”, ...
The discovery of photosynthesis under snow-capped Arctic ice could mean life exists in parts of the ocean previously thought ...
Control over the Arctic and the Northern Sea Route has been a longstanding ambition for the Kremlin. This is evident in the ...
Visitors from Utqiagvik, Alaska, last week brought news of increased rainfall in this country’s northernmost region.