GENTLE READER: Funny. Miss Manners is more accustomed to being asked how to stay out of beauty salon conversations, not how ...
When I had my hair done, the stylist and her assistant spent the entire time talking over my head. There was no way I could ...
But if they are talking pleasantries, you may smile or laugh or add something and see if it takes. There is a good chance ...
I make an effort to ensure that the person I’m reaching out to is the appropriate person for my question; I send a focused, ...
My friend started a new charity and is asking her circle for donations. But I choose the causes I support carefully and her’s ...
Knowing how to behave at meals isn't just about proper etiquette. Turns out, your table manners send coded messages about you ...
Miss Manners begs your pardon, but cannot imagine what -- other than some quiet sympathy -- could distress your friends if ...
However, we just learned that our companion intends to bring her extremely unruly “comfort” poodle -- not only to the opera, ...
Some medical facilities ban tipping because they pay parking attendants a living wage, and do not want patients with medical ...
A letter writer is offended they were invited to the wedding shower but not the wedding of a friend’s daughter.